Like the majority of the third sector, our wider communities and the overall Welsh and UK economies, COVID-19 had a significant impact on the Community Impact Initiative C.I.C. and its operations. During the pandemic and subsequent lockdown, the Cii was affected by reduced project funding, a suspended housing market and our most vulnerable community members becoming more vulnerable.

But it wasn’t all bad; we were supported by a wide range of supportive project funders, a diligent staff team and the support of our wider communities and other social businesses.

We’re now moving forward in this post COVID-19 world, delivering our projects whilst ensuring our participants, staff and stakeholders are all kept safe.

What we’re doing to stay COVID-19 safe moving forward…

  • Risk assessment: A Cii COVID-19 risk assessment has been established to manage risk
  • Staff training: All Cii staff have completed Preventing COVID-19 training
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Improved PPE is in place for all participants and staff to ensure their safety
  • Social distancing: Safe social distancing measures will be followed in line with all Government guidance
  • Washrooms: All Cii sites will provide a safe space for participants to store their belongings, wash up and wear the appropriate PPE
  • Hygiene: Strict cleaning and hygiene measures will be implemented at all Cii sites
  • Project attendance: Project attendance will be capped to four participants daily to ensure effective social distancing
  • Engagement & Wellbeing Officer: A new role has been created to provide focused employment and wellbeing support for our participants

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